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Writer's pictureCandice

Back at my desk again!

April 27th Week 7

Back at my desk after a busy weekend. How come I am so busy.???  We have all loved the recent weather, absolutely glorious, but sadly all set to change this week, rain from tomorrow for several days. Luckily have several videos in the ‘can’.  I am able to shoot the classes inside, but it’s just not quite the same. Love hearing back from you all. Everyone seems to be keeping well and that’s the most important thing.  Another weekend of fine dining... I cooked one of my favourite Italian dishes, from Luca our Sicilian chef, Aubergine Parmigiana, so yummy! Found another this time Organic Farm Shop, pretty expensive, but it’s the old story... anyway after spending ages on their website ordering, I saw they also do whole chickens, but they only had extra large left, no surprise at £24.... by then I had lost the will to live online, so ordered it. Is this the most expensive chicken ever? It weighed a fraction under 3kilos... so we WILL be eating it for several days 😋. Chicken and salad Monday evening, Chicken enchiladas tomorrow and Thai Green chicken curry on Wednesday and possibly chicken and sweet corn soup by Thursday 🥴 We will soon be clucking 😂 

Suzi’s Baha Fish Tacos

Candice and Spencer’s Blackened Quinoa chicken salad dish.

Sad news still no sign of our baby ducklings, how can 10 just disappear into thin air, so so sad. Although we have a new friend Polly, a female duck, who has decided we are her protectors ( she ran up onto our deck away from some aggressive males and hid, we shooed them away). She has been so hungry, and know all the attention she has been giving us is because she’s getting ready to lay her eggs. Apparently once sat on her eggs, she cannot leave and only has 1 hour daily to go find food. She decided to make an entrance in one of my videos ( I think it’s the Focus on Back) she literally flies onto the deck, maybe she fancied some exercise?  She has got so cheeky and while cooking the other day she came into the kitchen... I thought it was David, so funny to turn around and see the duck looking at me.  Anyway yesterday she only came for about an hour, early evening, so my guess is she’s on her nest. Will keep you posted.

We do 2 weekly quizzes, one Thursday and one Sunday evening with different family members. They are fun, except for the bloomin’ emojis round 🤦🏼‍♀️ apart from this week, when I won that round as it was Musicals!!! Finally 👍. Winning only once and coming last and next to last, in previous quizzes,  I had a better week this week, not that I am competitive or anything... and last week I should have got a point and didn’t .... won’t go into it, but I was def cheated... although I still would have been last! This week I won one and came second in the other☺️. So I have to be quizmaster for the two quizzes this coming week, so lots of musical theatre and pilates questions, maybe some Italy... shame I won’t be taking part 😂 On a more serious note and for the record. Boris Johnson returned to No 10 today. Thank goodness. Trump suggested UV or similar lights could be successful on killing the virus and even more worrying disinfectant if put into the lungs may also kill it. Omg what planet is that man on... there will be idiots out there who would try it!  May 7th next update on lock down.  My weekly record comparing the statistics between U.K., Italy and US are as follows: 2 weeks ago:  April 9th   Italy deaths 18,279   U.K. 7097,     US 15,824  April 23rd             Italy  25,549. U.K. 18,738   US 50,236 Not great reading, but the government has assured us today, we are over the peak.  We only now watch the news once a day, clapping at 8pm for the NHS every Thursday eve. Great catch up TV, opportunities though. We rewatched the Night Manager as Spencer and Suzi hadn’t seen it. Still a brilliant series, enjoyed it as much 5 years later.  Trying to get through Ozarks on Netflix, love it, but Spencer has watched Series 2 and we are still half way through it, so not many opportunities to watch it. Spencer has bought a new tv for their bedroom and I really thought they would be up there watching their own stuff most evenings, but no, they like to hang out with us, which is lovely on one hand........although we then can’t watch Ozarks.... After Life is another great show if you haven’t seen it,  but quite heart wrenching, Ricky Gervais is brilliant, I am not a huge fan of his normally, but this is quite something.  Take care everyone, until next time xx

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